5 Reasons to Have a Water Filter in Your Home

Water is an essential part of our daily lives, but have you ever stopped to think about the quality of the water you’re drinking? The water in our taps often contains chlorine, calcium, and other chemicals that can be harmful to our health, hair, and skin. That’s why the experts at KP Water recommend installing a water filter in your home. Here are five reasons why:

  1. Filtered water tastes better: A water filter will remove chlorine, chemicals, heavy metals, and other contaminants from your tap water, improving its taste instantly. Many people are surprised by how much fresher and cleaner their water tastes after installing a water filter.

  2. Improved skin health: If you suffer from sensitive or irritated skin, a water filter might be the answer you’ve been looking for. Removing the chemicals, chlorine, and heavy metals found in tap water can dramatically improve skin health and reduce irritation.

  3. No more chlorine: While chlorine is important in sterilising water, you don’t need to consume it or expose your skin to it. A water filter can remove up to 99 percent of the chlorine, as well as the harmful by-products that come with the sterilisation process.

  4. Easier cleaning: Hard water contains calcium, which builds up and sticks to bathroom surfaces like sinks, bathtubs, and tiles. With a water filter, your water will be free of calcium, leaving you with a sparkling clean bathroom that takes far less time to clean.

  5. Healthier drinking water: By removing contaminants like heavy metals and chemicals, a water filter in your home provides you with safer and healthier drinking water. It’s an investment in your health and well-being that you won’t regret.

If you’re ready to enjoy the benefits of cleaner, safer, and better-tasting water, consider installing a water filter in your home. Speak to the water filtration specialists at KP Water to find the perfect solution for your needs.